B. Pharm
- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacognosy
M. Pharm
- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Quality Assurance
Pharma chemistry Lab. I & II
Practicals involving qualitative analysis, pharmaceutical synthesis, organic synthesis
and pharmaceutical analysis of drugs and excipients are few areas being handled
in these lab.
Pharmaceutics Lab. I & II
Department is equipped with state of art facilities giving hands on experience to
B. Pharm. graduates. To meet the global needs in the area of formulation and development,
we shape our students by exposing them to the research environment along with the
routine curricula. The infrastructure comprises sophisticated equipments like ‘Automated
8 basket Dissolution test apparatus’, ‘10 station mini press’, ‘Brookfield viscometer’
etc. and have have proved it’s uniqueness in the department.
Pharmacology Lab.
Pharmacology department has two separate laboratories for UG and PG. The department
have animal house as per the guidelines of CPCSA. The equipment available in the
department includes physiograph, plethismometer, analgesiometer, electroconvulsometer,
histamine chamber, actophotometer etc
Pharmacognosy Lab.
Pharmacognosy laboratory is well equipped with equipments such as photographic microscope,
microtome, digital oven, rotatry orbital shaker, TLC kit, UV cabinet, Soxhlet apparatus,
Clavenger’s apparatus, digital top load balance, column chromatography set, muffle
furnace, vacuum drying unit etc. The laboratory is well dressed with charts, models
and self developed photographs of medicinal plants. Department has also developed
unique medicinal garden with about 80 different plants with few rare species
Quality Assurance Lab
Quality Assurance Laboratory is well equipped with equipments for carring out different
tests like sterility testing,pyrogen testing, microbiological limit test, dissolution
test and other IPQC tests for different forms. In laboratory validation of equipments
processes and analytical methods is carried out.